Friday, February 27, 2015

Extra Blog Post for Feburary

I have been taking figure drawing classes for my Component 2 project. The human figure is a really complex thing and once you sit down and see it for its beauty.
 This video shows the importance of figure drawing, for artists.
Why is Figure Drawing Important Drawing Tips

Figure drawing also applies to fashion. It is important to know how the body works, since most designers dress humans. As a designer you must be familiar with the way the body works inorder to create successful clothing.

Here are some pictures of what my experience has been like:

This is the entrance to the college.
 On the walls there are some of the student's work.
  This is one of my teacher's work. He was teaching us how to draw plane figures. Where we would draw with less curves and more edges.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Blog:16 Answer 2

1. My E.Q. is...
What most justifies fashion as an art ?

2. My first answer is..
An important part of justifying fashion as an art is style. 

3. My second answer is ...
Another important part of justifying fashion as an art is its view on the human lifestyle.

4. Three reasons and real-world applications...
Social Status
ex.) Rich buy couture. 
Historical Events
ex.) Women's Movement 
Advancement in Technology
ex.) Mass Production

5. My Printed Sources:
Fashion from Concept to Consumer
Fashion, Culture and Identity
The Lost art of Dress

6. Human lifestyle has evolved a lot through the years, all types of arts have shown this and fashion is no exception

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Blog 15: Independent Component 2 Approval

1. I have recently been accepted  at the  Art Center College of Design in Pasadena for a program they have called Saturday High on a scholarship. I will be taking a Figure Drawing class every Saturday until the 11th of April learning how to properly draw the human figure.The class started on Jan. 31st and I have already attended a class section.The class meets for three hours and it will last ten weeks, leaving me at 30 hours.

2. I will show the progress I have made in my drawings, record my progress after every class , and what I have learned in my log.

3. This class was recommended by my mentor Marisol Bradford after a discussion that we had. We both concluded that understanding the body is an important part of fashion and art, since fashion is all about clothing for humans and most artists have some sort of knowledge on how the body functions.

Independent Component 2 Log
(It is all the way in the bottom of the link.)

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Independent Component1


(a) I, Imelda Gomez, affirm that I completes my independent component which represents 57 hours hours of work.

(b) I took a class of Intro to Painting  Art 220a at the Cal Poly Campus with Pro. Joseph Hannibal. I also started a Fashion Club on campus with Malorie Wolfe.

(c) Updated Log:
Independent Component 1 Log

(d) I took a painting class to explore the ways I can take my creativity and express it  onto different
mediums . Canvas and paint is the medium I explored through this class, the two mediums that are usually identified as art.
For Fashion Club it has been a place of self expression and opportunity to expand ones creativity.

Pictures of my work done in class:

Description of my professor's view on art and expression.
 Here is a mural that was made out of stencils and spray paint. It can be found in the art department second story. This isn't the final product but the in between process.

First painting I did in class
Beginning Sketch
Final Piece
Over all in this class I learned new ways to paint and express my creativity. I got to experience how it is to work with a large group of people on one project and how to combine different ideas to create a bigger and better idea.

Fashion Club :

Notebook where we keep all our ideas and information .
In Fashion Club I am learning how to help people show their individuality and finding new ways to express themselves though their clothing. We are learning the ways the industry works and how the different aspects relate to the things we see in our lives.


My component allowed me to dive into the ways one can express oneself. As I have stated before in my presentations self expression is a big part of art , 

As I was taking my painting class my professor talked a lot about, feeling instead of thinking. To use our feelings to create something that is beautiful in our eyes rather than something that you think will please others. This is a trait I find in many great artists, which allows them be the best at what they do.Through the painting class I got to show how paint can portray my feelings and creativity meanwhile having  fun.

Fashion Club has taught me the way people view clothes and what it means to them. For example in our first meeting we talked about the way we portrayed ourselves through our clothes and what kinds of categories we felt we fit in the different trends we see.  

This all helped me realize that no matter if it is painting or clothing self expression is a big part of our lives. And art is just a representation of our lives.