Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Blog 23 :Final Lesson Refelction

1. I am most proud of my activity I got help from La Russa and I got great feed back because it was creative, informative and fun. It took a long time to get this activity done and it was frustrating because I wasn't sure if people would want to get dirty and work with it.

2.What would I give myself:
a)I  would give myself a P

b)Overall I would give myself an AE.

3. In my senior project I got to explore something that I enjoy doing, I feel like this helped me really open my eyes to what I want to do in my future, and it allowed me to get back into the things I forgot I enjoyed.

4.If I had a time machine I would redo some part of my senior project I would defiantly take better notes in the beginning I thought I was a great note taker but as I started looking back I realized that some of my notes were not helpful.

5. The senior project has helped me realize what things I want to continue on in my life, art is my passion and I know that as long as I have time I will continue doing it because it relaxes and makes me happy. I got to realize that even though fashion is also a big part of my life I would want to keep it as a hobby at the moment instead of pursing it as a career, this might change but this is my opinion at the moment and it could change in the future.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Blog 22: Mentorship

Link to hours
Graciela Nardi (Latino Art Museum)

Marisol Bradford (Fashion Mentor)

Besides getting to know more about art as I was working with Graciela, I got to experience other cultures. I got to travel around the world without leaving the museum, since there were artists from all over the world I got to learn a bit about them and see what kind of work was popular from where they were from. It was really opened my perspective to what was going around the world and how artists where doing to help the situations. I also got to learn what it means to be an artist. I got the opportunity to talk to many artists during these past months, more than I have ever been exposed to, and I got to learn about their struggles and what brought them to were they where now. All the artists that truly had wonderful pieces had to give up a few things to be as talented as they are now. I got to learn that passion is not given but a thing that arises when you are doing something you love.

With Marisol, she showed me a lot of the fashion world that I didn't know. She showed me how fashion isn't just limited to clothes but how you can branch out and use your knowledge of clothes to help you in other aspects of other jobs.

As I stated in my answer one to my essential question self expression is a big part of the arts, through my mentorship I got to see many forms of self expression. The best ones where done with a great deal of passion and others not as much. I liked that I also got to hear the reasoning behind some of the pieces. Marisol packed a lot of information during the few sessions we had,  she told me about my figure drawing class and how drawing the figure was an important art skill that all artists should be good at. She also explained to me how the fashion industry works and how it is more than clothes, she gave me many resources which I could use in my searching. She helped me narrow down and steering me in the right direction when I felt lost.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Exit Interview

1.) What most justifies fashion as an ar?
1st answer: Self expression is an important part of art, fashion allows us to express our self in many ways.
2nd answer: Fashion revolves around humanity,which includes the many cultures, social classes,and even technological advances.
3rd answer: An artist must know how to showcase their work to reach different audiences, and fashion is no exception.
My best answer is, self expression is an important part of art, fashion allows us to express our self in many ways.

2.) I came to this answer because it is the one that I believe most represents any kind of art. By any kind of art I include music, painting, fashion, and even dance.You can't have an interesting piece  without the artist trying to express something through their work. The reason any kind of art is well known is because the artist did an excellent task at capturing an incredible feeling and making it into something visual and three dimensional.

3.) There were many problems, starting with picking a topic. I resolved that by mixing two of my favorite things and creating a problem out of it. I also had a tough job finding a mentor for this topic. There are no people that are dedicated and have studies fashion as an art. Just the question itself is a very controversial. I got to find an art mentor Graciela Nardi easily but a fashion mentor was hard to find since any internship I applied to I got no call backs or the people I had as contacts were busy all the time. I finally got a hold of Marisol Bradford, and meet with her a couple of times. I also had a hard time on finding three answers that I could back up. I solved this by focusing on some aspects of art and finding the ones that had the most information.

4.) The first source would be my mentors since they are both very experienced in their jobs and had a lot of background to help me out when I was stuck. They gave me new ideas that allowed me to expand my research.  My second source would be Fashion and Art a book that ,even if it was one of the last ones I read really helped me wrap up my ideas but also open my mind to new ideas in which I could have used as my answers.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

April Blog: Blow Your mind

There are certainly many kinds of art. There are some that just blow your mind. Here are a few of my favorite:

This is a "Prada" store found in Valentine, Texas (2005). An art installation that isn't really a store or an advertisement. The  merchandise is Prada but it is only right shoe of a pair, and bags with no bottom.

(Unknown Artist)


(McQueen) Exhibition.

Image result for salvador dali paintings
One of my favorite of Salvador Dali. Guess how many people there are in the picture.

Alexander McQueen
Jean Paul Gaultier Couture Spring 2007Christian Dior Couture Fall 2008

Is it wonderful how as humans we can take an idea and make something so original. No two people can create the same exact thing unless you copy an original idea. We all have different experiences to represent who we are, and that is what makes it so crazy.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Blog 19: Independent Component 2


a) I, Imelda Gomez, affirm that I completed my  independent component which represents 30 hours of work.

b) Art Center College of Design Saturday High Classes
Instructor: Warren Craig Attebery
Class : Figure Drawing

c)Independent Component 2 Log

d) I took a figure drawing class where I got do learn different techniques and ways to draw the human body. We used different methods from cubism, to plain and at the end we got to use a bit of color.

Just some of the many pages I have of my work.
Most of our drawings were done with wood covered Charcoal.

Top: .03 Micron Marker
Middle: Willow Charcoal
Bottom: Wood Covered Charcoal 
Sides: Pastels
Middle Side: Kneaded Eraser
Bottom: Box Cutter 

Using my micron .03 marker that's why the pictures are so light.

Negative and positive using pastel

Here we toned the paper using the Willow Charcoal.

Final two drawings using colored pastels.

Dog approved. 

 Figure drawing is a  basic course taught for fashion design. Figure drawing helps imagine the movement and the flow of a garment on a person. I got a feeling on the way the human moves, how it looks through those different movements, poses, and lighting. I got to practice how to translate that onto a paper.  It helped me answer my E.Q. because it taught me how even more connected art and fashion are since, any designers have to know how to create a beautiful garment that looks beautiful on the body.They had to have lots of practice watching the body and learning the way fabric moves and flows away when the body is in movement. Practice and observation is the way to create beautiful pieces.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

March Extra Blog: Let's Show you How it's Done

Recently as part of Fashion Club we were invited to go to  FIDIM'S Debut 2015 Los Angeles Fashion Gala.
Here is the intro for the show.
FIDM DEBUT Runway Show 2015

After this video played we got to see the first part of the show which incorporated graduate students who worked on Theater Costume.
The shows they worked on ranged from "Hey, Dolly!'' to"Fiddler on the Roof"
Here are some examples:
(photo credits to: ABImages/Alex J. Berliner)
This is part of "Follies" created by Erica Rae Williams (left) and Taylor Decker (right)

Next after the theatrical showcase came a presentation that they did last year as well. And that was combining interior, fashion ,and textile designers to come together and create a cohesive fashion and chair design.
The textile would work in making the pattern and fabric, fashion designer would create a garment and finally the interior designer would create a chair from scratch. 
(photo credits to: ABImages/Alex J. Berliner)
Chairing Styles graduates work.

Finally came the presentation of the rest of the graduates. They created a whole collection from scratch. Before the presentation of each designer there would be a video on how they got their inspiration and what making their line meant to them.
(photo credits to: ABImages/Alex J. Berliner)
(photo credits to: ABImages/Alex J. Berliner)
(photo credits to: ABImages/Alex J. Berliner)

(photo credits to: ABImages/Alex J. Berliner)
My favorite was by: Marly Kluge
(photo credits to: ABImages/Alex J. Berliner)
     She did lots of bold,bright colors that really made her stand out from the rest of the designers.

Overall it was a lovely show that showed the talent of the  designers.
(photo credits to: ABImages/Alex J. Berliner)

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Blog 18: Fourth Interview Preparation

  1. What are your views on art ?
  2. What are your views on fashion ?
  3. Are there places you believe they over lap ?
  4. What have you seen through out your career that makes this true?
  5. How is self expression an important part of art?
  6. How is self expression an important part of fashion?
  7. What is an important part of self expression?
  8. What have you seen , that has left you speechless?
  9. How was self expression shown through this?
  10. What do you think causes one to become speechless in art?
  11. What about fashion?
  12. What about fashion is important in our everyday life?
  13. Do you believe fashion is important in our everyday lives?
  14. Marisol talked about how art follows fashion, do you agree or disagree?
  15. What are the similarities between a fashion and art show?
  16. What are the differences?
  17. What do you do to prepare for a fashion show?
  18. What has your experience been with art shows?
  19. What are some good examples of a fashion show?
  20. What are some good examples of an art show?
  21. What makes any show case successful?

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Blog 17: Answer 3


What most justifies fashion as an art ?
Answer #3:
Fashion is an art, because they are both showcased in the same matter. Art galleries and runway shows both serve for the same purpose, to showcase pieces of a collection

Details that support my answer:

 Department stores are an example of a type of "showcase". It is mostly for a mass audience.
Runway shows showcase clothing pieces to a private audience.
Models can either showcase the clothing through walking on the runway or installations.


Cochrana, Lauren. "How Art and Fashion Became BFF's." The Gaurdian. The Gaurdian, 22 Oct. 2013. Web. 24 Oct. 2014.
Smith, Mitchell, and Alison Kubler. Art/fashion in the 21st Century. New York: Thames & Hudson, 2013. Print.

Concluding sentence:

At the end of the day fashion is another kind of art, since it is a way of expression, its a view on lifestyle, and is even showcased like any other art form.

Friday, February 27, 2015

Extra Blog Post for Feburary

I have been taking figure drawing classes for my Component 2 project. The human figure is a really complex thing and once you sit down and see it for its beauty.
 This video shows the importance of figure drawing, for artists.
Why is Figure Drawing Important Drawing Tips

Figure drawing also applies to fashion. It is important to know how the body works, since most designers dress humans. As a designer you must be familiar with the way the body works inorder to create successful clothing.

Here are some pictures of what my experience has been like:

This is the entrance to the college.
 On the walls there are some of the student's work.
  This is one of my teacher's work. He was teaching us how to draw plane figures. Where we would draw with less curves and more edges.